I've started the background. You may ask yourself, "come on! How long does it take to colour a piece of paper a solid blue." Well when you're "scumbling" it takes about 2-3 hours per layer. You draw in wee, itty bitty little circles. I go clockwise with my left hand and counterclockwise with my right. It gives it that uneven, sponged look. The more layers I add the more smooth it will appear, but I think I like it looking a bit choppy like it is.
I still have to work on the hands and then I'm tout fini!
I took kids 1 thru 4 to see "Eclipse" bright and early this morning. We got there an hour before the show and there was a fair sized line up already. Of course there weren't many teens in that crowd as everybody knows teens don't arise from their own crypts until well after lunch. Mine did because there was no way I was going to stand in line for a few hours in the pm to see a movie.
Oddly enough, most of the patrons that filled the theatre, and I mean filled it, were people aged 35 and up.....well, women 35 and up. Some had Twilight t-shirts on even. They didn't even bother to bring kids with them to make it look like they were going only for the kids and not for them like I saw in some cases. Uhummm....not that that's the case with me or anything. Okay, maybe it was, so sue me. I like the books. I like the movies. I want to be a teenager again. Only wealthy with my current knowledge base and not have to live back with my parents. (No offense Mom and Dad but you cramp my style and I don't want a curfew again.)
Anyhow, now I can't wait for the next one to come out.
via GROK !
1 week ago