Hi all,
Well, I'm back from my trip. It was fabulous. I got to go to Santa Barbara via a flight out of Toronto. I flew business class in the overhead compartment, not in the cold bowels of the plane. I liked that.
No one offered me anything to eat or drink, which I'm a little disappointed about. You'd think my travelling companion was embarrased to be seen with me.
On the first day we drove past the ocean. I'm sure it was refreshing to feel the ocean breeze despite the scorching 95 degree temperature. I wouldn' t know. I was in the trunk of the car at the time. I hear there were surfers and people frolicing in the water. I'm sure their bathingsuits were enjoying themselves. [sigh]
The hotel was nice....from what I could tell from the inside of the shaving kit. My home. My prison.
Well at least I can say that I've been to Santa Barbara which is more than I can say for Sandi's butt. I have pamphlets to prove it. Will post pic's later.
Much Love,
Vicki Stripes
via GROK !
1 week ago
Will you get washed again before being worn?
did you meet any handsome boxers?
LOL! Loved the post from the undies perspective.
How in the world could your traveling companion be embarrassed to be seen with you? That is just too sad that he did not offer you a drink on the flight or show you the beach. But don't let that stop you from your travel adventures...
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