It was a close one. I had the radio on my favourite talk radio station while doing kitchen chores. I hate cooking so being in the kitchen is never a happy time for me anyways. I was listening to a continuous string of callers complaining about the public transit strike and how we should get rid of the whole publicly owned company and start again, or have the federal government step in and legislate a vote. It said that the union leader won't let the members vote since they will probably vote to go back. The old boys club will no longer control the system. I didn't get worked up. I didn't get angry. I was still feeling positive. Maybe I can go back to listening to the radio again and still stay positive! Then a commercial came on.
".....tune in on New Years Eve and New Years Day for our round table discussions on the newsmakers of 2008!" the announcer stated excitedly.
"....the resignation of Stephane Dion, the transit strike, city taxes......" blah, blah, blah.
I felt a twinge. Okay, if I'm to be honest as well as positive was much more than a twinge. I started to feel a good and proper blood boil simmering. I could read the signs. My body was preparing for the inevitable anger that was to ensue. I reached over and quickly turned off the blasted thing. There. Still happy.
Someone the other day had told me that my mother of all rants had fuelled her mirth. It actually inspired her to look into the political situation since she wasn't a regular follower. I'm glad she had chosen to do this as I think we really need to keep an eye on those slimy political creatures or who knows where the country will end up. I'm also glad that she found the rant amusing. If you can't go to a blog and be amused or entertained then it really doesn't have a point. But for the sake of my happiness and sanity I'm not quite ready to get that mad again. I think I want to be ignorant of our political situation for a while. There isn't one party, including the current leaders, that I want to see running the land. I want to stay oblivious for a time. I want to stay happy.
My Back Pages,
1 week ago
Wise choice ~ :)
I haven't watched the news for over a month now as I felt like all the negativity was just bringing me down...I much prefer being happy.
A-men. Current my long-weekend, I vegged in front of food and decorating shows. No politics there.
I want to stay oblivious for awhile, too. Looking forward to the Rose Parade on New Years Day.
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