Friday, 17 June 2011

"The Boxer" completed.  Unfortunately I had to miss one of the three half day sessions with the model.  I would have worked it more if I could have.  Anyhow, time to move on.

This was today's model from this afternoon.  This was the fellow that I used to think looked like Kurt but he seems to have grown out of it. Maybe if Kurt had long hair a beard, moustache and was looking like a lush in a chair naked and had a upper class British accent they would look more alike.

I drew this with my right hand.

I drew this with my left hand.

I drew this with no hands.....wait, that's not right.

I can draw hands, unfortunately just not when they are attached to a body.  Huh.


Kurt said...

I like The Boxer.

tony said...

(Did Kurt Say That In A British Accent........?)

Jennifer Rose said...

drew it with your feet?

Serena Lewis said...

You're good at drawing with your left hand.....mine would not be recognisable at all. I like how The Boxer turned out.