Monday, 10 August 2020

So a guy is starving after having a scone, drink, and a scoop of chocolate-orange ice cream at the local Coffee Shop/Ice cream shop. What's a guy to do when he is obviously so under fed. Well, you go scavenging for apples along the bike path. He would have chowed down right there if we hadn't promised him a nice juicy apple pie made with his hastily gathered apples. I believe he was afraid someone else would come along and find his secret treasure source before he had gathered them up entirely. I talked him into an apple crisp instead and he thought that would be fine. Now I will bake it as Grandma's do and perhaps the Good Lord will forgive my little white lie. I have no intention of using those worm infested treasures but have bought some from the store to use instead. If he should find them buried in the garden, which is a favourite digging spot for little people, I will just explain that they were too special to cook and needed to be grown instead.

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