A couple of weeks ago we had a tank meltdown. Thanks to our city water all of my mature goldfish in their 33 gallon tank were turning white. When I moved them to the 20 gallon tank where I hadn't changed the water, they started eating all of the baby goldfish that are now about the size of a guppy. I brought all of my babies over to "White Mocha's" house to put in her baby goldfish tank.
As I went to repair the water problem in my 33 gallon tank some of the glass crumbled off the bottom. It's an old tank, about 25 years old, and the glass was done. I bought a 40 gallon to replace it and the fish store guy told me all of my mature fish will almost certainly die if they are sloughing off skin as I described. (They lost the entire top layer of skin including the top layer of their eyes.)
Eventually I moved them to the 40 gallon after a few days when the biological filter had started to kick in and I was sure they wouldn't burn off another layer of skin when the water treatment had kicked in. Well guess what.....not only did they not die, but they bred....again. And again. We left the eggs in the tank until they hatched this time and then rescued them using a small plastic cup so that they wouldn't be exposed to the air.
In that entire experience we only lost one mature 7 or 8 year old goldfish. We still have 8 adults of varying age (the oldest now is probably about 5 years old) and size, approx. 40 jeuveniles and who knows how many newborns. Anybody need goldfish? Their free!
via GROK !
1 week ago
Yes, please FedEx me three goldfish.
Goodness.....your goldfish are very hardy to live through all that you described. And all those babies...WOW!
Quite the saga. Glad they have a nice new home.
Ah! If only we could upload goldfish here!!!!!
Aw man, that was such a great rant.
I am sorry I was ignorant and self absorbed?
No, no, we were the only ones that weren't. We were taught manners as children.
It was good wasn't it Megan. It felt good!!!
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