To answer Mrsupole's question in the comment section....
Kurt over at Other People Exist does indeed have a real, live hard copy OPE zine that his bizzare, twisted creative brain creates. He writes it's, draws the cartoons for it, does his own photography, does the layout for it, prints it, picks the colour for the cover, staples it, addresses the envelopes, puts on the stamps and probably even licks the envelopes shut (steady Emma! ) At least I think he does. Who knows, I've never actually met him. I have actually received the previous edition in the mail.
You can contact him at according to his blog. Or at least, what's left of his blog. I believe it's $4 an issue or $24 for 6 issues, but don't quote me on that.
Go for it. Support an artist for only $24 a year. With that money he will be provided with clean clothes, water and an education....oh wait, that's another organization. Just do it to support an artist.
via GROK !
1 week ago
Buy 2 Copies! Kurt Is The Future!
Ah, now I am gonna have to really try and come up with the money. And it is not going to be easy, but then again it will be easier than the $1000 for the picture. It will probably take me a few years to come up with the money for a picture. I need to get a job again. Ugh......
My hubby used to paint, but his problem was he would start a picture and never finish. Well he does that with every project he starts. I am not sure why he does not like to finish things. It is a good thing he finishes his jobs at work, otherwise there would be a lot of people unable to use their phones. Maybe I could get him to work some overtime to earn the extra money, but then again the tax and spend government we have just keeps taking it all anyway. If they would quit stealing all of our hard earned money then we would be able to aford to buy zines and pictures a lot more often.
Thank you for answering my question. I really appreciated it.
God bless. word verification is anses, kinda goes with answers somehow.
If you ask nicely, he will even design a postcard for you.
Well now, technically you can read VE's blog and get paid enough money in a year to purchase a year of the OPE zine. That works! Think creatively.
Great tie-in, Perp! Better act fast on the latest issue of OPE, cuz I only made 4 extras.
I know I could have had VE pay for it, but I asked him to donate it all to a Charity of Kurt's choosing. Dang it, that should at least earn me one free copy of the zine.
Next year I am gonna just make VE send the money to Kurt to pay for my zine. And yes I did think about that but that was one of the days that I thought it was not real, which I still cannot figure out. Oh well if I do send the money and it is not real then Kurt had better donate it to that Charity of his choosing.
God bless.
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