I went out to draw with 2 of 4 and had a lovely productive session. There's nothing though that can ruin a good mood like a nagging neighbour.
I had seen her early on while shopping in the grocery store. I avoided her at every turn until I ended up having to wait at the meat counter. All 5 staff were very busy not working and unfortunately....let's call her "Joan" (cause that's her actual name) sauntered up beside me. D'Oh!
"Hi Joan, how are you and your family doing?" I asked politely with a smile.
"Fine thank you, I noticed your hedge bounced back up." she said without even a breather between words. I have been avoiding this woman for well over a year now and the first thing she says when speaking with me...IN OVER A YEAR....is this!
"Uh ya, Mr. P. went and shoveled the top of it off and it straightend up again." I replied.
"Well I was going to come and talk to him about it because it was leaning and we couldn't park our cars properly (they have 2 cars and 5 parking spots) because it's in the way and it looks awful too." she glared at me.
"I believe the reason it was leaning might possibly be because you keep snowblowing the snow from your laneway onto the top of it which causes it to bend towards your property." I say realizing she's not swift enough to realize the weight is all coming from their side.
"Huh, well, it's probably Don's company that's doing it because we hired his guy to come and do our laneway so it's not us doing it." I almost slapped my forehead when she said this. Now it is an unrelated neighours fault because she hired the same company to do their laneway.
"That's okay. Makes no difference. In the Spring the whole hedge is coming out right to the very back of the property." I pass this revalation onto her for the first time.
"Oh good!" she says excitedly
"I mean the WHOLE hedge right to the back you know....." I say again.
"You'd be suprised at how much extra room you'll have!" She says smiling back at me.
What she hasn't put together yet is as the owner of a pool she will be forced by law to put in a proper fence of a specific height at a substantial cost no less. Since we aren't the owners of a pool it is completely up to her family to have it put in within a certain period of time once the hedge is out.
We've been after them numerous times to fix a small existing fence that keeps sprouting holes with poor results. We've had their dogs coming into our yard through holes, ours go to theirs and we were terrified when the kids were young they'd get through over to their pool through one of these holes. They haven't fixed it properly in 20 years.
I walked away muttering something in front of my daughter that I shouldn't have. I told Mr. P. of this whole encouter when I got home and he told me not to "let her rent my brain space." When I mentioned what I had called her in front of Two of Four he said,
"Now if Jesus had been there, what would he have done:?!"
I replied,
"I don't know, but he probably wouldn't have called her bitch!!!"